Sunday 12 September 2010

Representation - The Man

At first glance this man can be described as a tramp or homeless person, maybe his scarf seems a bit scruffy but in particular his trousers draw attention because they have patches on, that arguably look scrappy because they do not match his trousers. After a further look at the picture though, you an see that none of his clothes are dirty or oversized which you would think typical of a tramp, his shoes are of decent quality as well. When you look at his trousers, as well as the patches they are neatly rolled up at the bottom in a way that looks like it is out of his own fashion and not out of necessity with the trousers being too long. He is also wearing a check shirt, which is quite fashionable and a cardigan to go with it, tramps are stereotypically long-haired  and have a lot of facial hair, this man has a neatly trimmed beard, you can't really see his hair because of his beanie hat. 

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