Thursday 14 October 2010

Max Fischer, Rushmore - Is he a typical teenager?

From the montage sequence we see that Max is attached to a lot of extra curricular clubs, many of which he is founder or president of, it seems that most of his social life is involved in his groups, maybe he has little if any friends his age and appears to be hanging around with younger boys a lot of the time. He is always wearing his school uniform even in some of the clubs that require other kits, this could mean he is poor. Other evidence for this would be how much he enjoys the speech about targeting ‘rich kids’. Other elements that could indicate he is not a stereotypical teenager include the way he acts older than he is, it could be said that he leads the groups in a certain mature way, also some aspects about his appearance - particularly his formal haircut. When he is at the lacrosse game he is not watching the game but organising the equipment, this along with his stamp collecting and organising could suggest he has OCD. From the montage sequence you can generally conclude that Max Fischer does not appear to be a stereotypical teenager. 

1 comment:

  1. some good points - 'elements that could indicate he is not a stereotypical teenager include the way he acts older than he is, it could be said that he leads the groups in a certain mature way, also some aspects about his appearance - particularly his formal haircut.' more of this sort of thing would make for a more cohesove piece of writing. you need to write with as much detail as possible.
